Institutional ICE Units

Institutional ICE Units are strategy, innovation and transformation units owned, located and embedded in organizations that support continuous and systematic approach to organizational change and innovation...

Corporate Transformation

Developing a program to improve the best sanitation and alleviate poverty.

Socio-Economic Development

ICEHUB® Social Development focus on addressing long lasting barriers to development, strengthening the focus on people who have been excluded from economic and socia

Concept Innovation Development

ICEHUB® is an initiative of TL First Group delivering organisational transformation, leadership development, social enterprise and youth empowerment for governments and businesses across the world.


Trained over 2 million SMEs, leaders & professionals
About us

We promote sustainable social and economic development through Innovation, Change and Entrepreneurship.

To provide a one-stop-Hub where SMEs, startups, people, and corporate enterprises — may have access to technological innovations, financing guidance, leadership development, and networking possibilities.

Expert Team

Our multi-disciplined professional teams are experienced in identifying and implementing actual pragmatic solutions.

Our Achievement

We have empowered youths and women, individuals and businesses with the relevant skills to gain access to their desired job markets and connect them with employers; bridging the digital skill gap and building the digital capacity to boost employability and job improvement.


We are committed to serving you always

1 Million


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Years of

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Institutional Ice Units

Institutional ICE Units

Institutional ICE Units are strategy, innovation, and transformation units that are owned, located, and embedded in organisations and support a continuous and systematic approach to organisational change and innovation, improve productivity in business processes, change and performance management, leadership, and entrepreneurship development, and so on. We also provide organisations with free professional support, advice, and access to tools that enable institutional change and performance that will be embedded throughout the year.

Corporate Transformation

We are committed to serving you always

We provide consulting services for the preparation of all types of accounting, taxation, and administrative services, as well as any other services the firm deems suitable and necessary.

Leadership Team

We draw on our global network to assemble a team of experts.

We also bring a strong interest in coaching and capacity building, with an emphasis on emotional intelligence and
effective stakeholder relationships.

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Group Managing Director - Lead Consultant
prof. Richard


Economics & Global Trends - Consultant
prof. adesola


Gender Advocacy, Women & Youth Empowerment


Emotional Intelligence & Corporate Ethics Consultant
Let’s Get Started

Are you ready to work with our team?

If you’re looking for a consultant to help conceptualize and implement new ideas to address your organisation’s challenges, contact us at

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)