ICEHUB® Idea Bank captures its essence, dedicated to entrepreneurs, who are invited to take full advantage of the co-working area and the bookable conference rooms. The remaining part of the branch consists of showrooms, mainly intended for entrepreneurship training sessions and meetings with the bank’s representatives. ICEHub Idea Bank’s clients, mostly small-business owners, will find Idea Hub a comfortable place to work, as it has been provided with all the necessary office facilities (printers, scanners, copiers) and unlimited Wi-Fi

What’s more, the experimental branch offers business TV, daily updated economic press and free coffee. It also features a fully equipped conference room, bookable via a dedicated app and perfect for holding a business meeting. A team of specially trained baristas takes care of both the pleasant atmosphere and good working conditions.

Our Idea Hub’s targeted guests are Polish entrepreneurs, especially sole proprietors, who lack a permanent office and work remotely from some overcrowded town-centre coffee shops, where they also meet with their clients and contractors. They do not consider using the paid co-working centres, usually located on the outskirts of the city, an interesting alternative.

The Idea Hub’s project stands in complete opposition to the current global trend of turning the emptying bank branches into so-called high-tech branches, crammed with electronics, located in shopping malls, and usually just doubling tools already available on mobile devices.


CONTACT ICEHUB® TODAY AT (+234) 815 405 3405

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)