Business Consulting

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ICEHUB® Business Consulting was established to provide total solutions for Businesses and Startups. Through our professional and dedicated experts and Consultants, we direct our clients/investors to the most appropriate location for their Company Incorporation, recommending the most value-added packages suitable for our clients.

We are a one-stop solution for all your business needs. ICEHUB® Business Consulting is tailored towards developing a highly credible, informed and independent consultancy, operating on various business platforms. All of our team have worked in operational or influential stakeholder roles before joining us.

Our Services have been developed to apply across the broad spectrum of challenges met by various businesses: from full system support, accounts management, marketing, IT systems and human resources to regulatory support, specialist studies and due diligence. We believe our technical skills and experience will bring real benefit to your organisation.

ICEHub® Business Consulting is bringing together its efforts, market network and digital commerce capabilities in new ways to make everyday Business and organisational processes easier for both new business and existing businesses.

Our Services

1. Accounting and Taxation

This service will cover the following areas;

Online Accounts
Payroll Service
Tax Return
Tax Savings

2. Administrative Services

This service will cover the following areas;

Administrative Services
United Administration
Business Growth

3. Business Advisory Services

This service will cover the following areas;

Diagnostic Analysis
Strategic Financial Management
Business Plan
Business Franchising
Restructuring and operational standardization
Business Advisory Service Analysis

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)