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Institutional ICE Units are strategy, innovation and transformation units owned, located and embedded in organizations that support continuous and systematic approaches to organizational change and innovation, improve productivity in business processes, change and performance management, leadership and entrepreneurship development.

We also provide organisations with free professional support, advice and access to tools that enable institutional change and performance that will be embedded within organisations throughout the year.
As the Leader and change driver, your Corporate ICE unit will comprise a selection of your nominated key officers who will be equipped to provide you with enhanced real-time strategic and technical assistance on innovation, delivering change, corporate performance, leadership development and organisational transformation. Your ICE Unit will effectively be the in-house consultants; and high-flying staff of your organisation. supported free of charge by a network of external consultants.

Public Sector ICE Units focus majorly on supporting the Public Sector, notably government organisations/agencies and non-tech industries, in their digital transformation under the TL First Group initiative. The rationale behind this initiative is to help public sector organisations, high-tech or not, to grasp digital opportunities.

For over 30 years, the Hub has provided access to a support network of strategy, change and innovation drivers in Nigeria and across the world as sounding boards and peer reviews on key emerging issues relating to business acceleration, innovation, corporate turnaround, economic empowerment and public service development. The Hub further assists key strategy, planning and transformation officers in addressing the social, economic and environmental challenges confronting both society and business, assisting with testing, incubating and embedding business process reengineering and institutional change.

Overview: Institutional ICE Units Supports

We are currently offering some of the existing and previous clients of TL First Group free set-up of ICE Units and access to the highly acclaimed ICEHUB for the whole of the year 2025

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)