- Starts: May 20, 2024
- Length: 2 Days
- Location: Abuja, Lagos or as decided by the client
- Fees: ₦ 300,000
- Reserve: 40

The training programme is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge required for effective budget planning, defence, and execution within the organisation.
1. Understanding the fundamentals of budgeting.
2. Techniques for developing a realistic budget strategy.
3. Developing and implementing robust control mechanisms to ensure budget adherence.
4. Strategies for managing unexpected changes and
contingencies in budget planning.
At the end of the programme participants will be able to:
1. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the budgeting process.
2. Participants will learn how to develop strategy in budget planning, aligning financial goals with organisational objectives.
3. Participants will learn how to implement strong control mechanisms to ensure adherence to budgetary plans and maintain financial governance.
4. Participants will learn strategies for preparing and presenting a persuasive budget defence and addressing queries effectively.
Current and potential strategic leaders and first-line managers at all levels of medium to large organizations including Directors and Senior Managers, Head of division, Team Leaderz, HR and Corporate Managers, Executive Directors and Heads of Departments and Units
Venue: Abuja & Lagos