TL First Executive Education


Revenue Diversification & GrowthInternational

Revenue Diversification & Growth

Adopt new approaches to increasing revenue and raising capital by working with our experts in identifying growth opportunities, assessing market potential and implementing effective alternative approaches to ensure financial stability, revenue growth, and sustainability.

Monday, Day 1

Accreditation of delegates and participants, followed by a welcome dinner and programme briefing.

Tuesday, Day 2

The day will comprise a lecture and group discussions on revenue diversification strategies for sustainable growth and methods to identify potential revenue streams. Participants will also explore how to identify and assess risks in diversification.

Wednesday, Day 3

The day will comprise a lecture and group discussions on financial management for new ventures and the role of innovation in revenue growth.

Thursday, Day 4

Study tours and meetings with highly experienced board chairs, chief executive officers or chief finance officers sharing examples of successful revenue diversification, capital generation and growth.

Friday, Day 5

Action planning and free consultancy with a comprehensive review of learning outcomes and identification of future leadership actions and strategy development

Saturday, Day 6
