TL First Executive Education


Digital Technology and InnovationInternational

Digital Technology and Innovation

Engage with leading experts in digital technology and innovation with this programme, which is designed to empower participants with the necessary tools to navigate the digital landscape, leverage technology, and drive innovation within their organisations.  The programme will also involve live demonstrations of cybersecurity threats, best practices, and preventive measures to safeguard organisations against cyber-attacks in today’s digital age.

Monday, Day 1

Accreditation of delegates and participants, followed by a welcome dinner and programme briefing.

Tuesday, Day 2

The day will comprise a lecture and group discussions on global AI trends and driving a sustainable approach to AI adoption.

Wednesday, Day 3

The day will comprise a lecture and group discussions on cybersecurity threats, best practices, and preventive measures to safeguard organisations against cyber-attacks in today’s digital age.

Thursday, Day 4

Study tours and meetings with chief technology officers with examples of effective adoption of digital technology, artificial intelligence, and overcoming cybersecurity threats.

Friday, Day 5

Action planning and free consultancy with a comprehensive review of learning outcomes and identification of future leadership actions and strategy development.

Saturday, Day 6



Venue: London, Dubai