Enterprise Content
Management (ECM)

Implementing a robust Enterprise Content Management System for FCS


To date, all content, document and information e.g., memos, circulars, speeches, reports etc. are mostly distributed and stored manually. This has increased costs, puts government confidentiality at risk, and limited the productivity of Civil Servants across MDAs. The Electronic Content Management System will require a one-time software with recurring licensing fees.

Several issues surrounding document management in the Civil Service have resulted in:

Increase in stationary costs is high due to extensive printing and photocopying
Information is often leaked due to manual couriering from one location to another
Low work productivity e.g., inability to address/treat documents remotely

The OHCSF can adopt an enterprise content management solution to manage enterprise content by digitizing records, automating workflow, and improving information sharing and collaboration across the organization.
The ECM will;

Drive cost savings due to the minimization of manual tasks,
Reduce risk due to less manual errors and document security and
enable productivity through workflow management and more collaboration and communication. .

There are four steps to setting up an effective service wide ECM system for the Federal Civil Service. These are:
Capture and organize existing data
Workflow enablement i.e., automation of processes
Content search, store and archive functionality
Generation of reports and integration with analytics.

There are 2 key initiatives that have been identified to address and improve the existing value proposition

  • ECM Process & Requirements

    Creating a robust Enterprise Content Management System for the Federal Civil Service will importantly follow the process of:
    Selecting a suitable ECM service provider and
    Capturing and organizing existing data (memos, reports, circulars and archived personnel records).

  • Provide basic content management
    Provide workflow processing
    Secure storage
    Present an easy user interface
    Provide customer support
    Be compatible with oracle so it can be integrated with IPPIS

  • To capture and organize data, the first step will be to digitize historical content- memos, reports, circulars and personnel files- using image processing to convert scanned documents to digital content.

  • To manage this ECM process efficiently, a project team will be set up to coordinate MDAs. In the short term the consultant will assemble a team of individuals to work with MDAs to upload their content. The implementation will be phased starting from OHCSF before going to other federal level bodies and eventually state and local government offices across Nigeria

Innovate Civil service